
This case study explores the challenges encountered during the launch of a new product and the strategies employed in generating leads. We delve into the adversity faced by our team, how we overcame these obstacles, and the lessons learned throughout the process. Our hope is that by sharing our experiences, other teams may gain valuable insights that can assist them in their own product launches and lead generation efforts.


The Big Problem

When we initially partnered with this client, they faced substantial challenges in launching their new product, including severe setbacks such as rampant piracy and a tarnished product reputation due to the presence of counterfeit products in the market. To address these issues, we conducted a prescriptive analysis (PA). PA enabled us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the most effective marketing techniques to employ. Furthermore, our research pinpointed precisely where our focus should be, allowing us to increase ad spend with a profitable return.

Establishing a Robust Online Presence:

Rapidly and effectively, we set up a formidable social media presence. Implementing business managers and devising a meticulously planned Awareness Campaign, our objective was to not only neutralize the adverse effects on the product but also to propagate genuine awareness in the market. This strategic approach allowed us to not just address the challenges head-on but also establish a positive narrative around the product, contributing significantly to its reputation and market positioning.

Results of the Awareness Campaign:

Surpassing our engagement targets with minimal Ad spend, we not only achieved but exceeded expectations. Effectively neutralizing negative market sentiments, our strategic efforts are evident in the remarkable results of the Awareness Campaign showcased below. This success not only attests to the efficiency of our approach but also highlights our ability to navigate challenges and reshape the narrative surrounding the product in a cost-effective manner.

Overcoming Lead Generation Hurdles:

Encountering challenges in converting cold leads, we identified key obstacles in the form of a weak landing page and a notable absence of testimonials. Addressing these issues became paramount to enhancing our lead conversion strategy. By fortifying our landing page and incorporating compelling testimonials, we aimed to instill trust and credibility, ultimately overcoming these hurdles in our pursuit of converting cold leads into active, engaged customers.

Addressing Lead Generation Challenges

Taking a proactive approach, we initiated backend email campaigns designed to educate and nurture cold leads, fostering a more informed and engaged audience. Simultaneously, recognizing the importance of a strong online presence, we undertook a comprehensive revamp of the website. Introducing a new web funnel, our objective was to counteract negative perceptions and provide a seamless, compelling user experience. These strategic initiatives collectively aimed at not only educating potential customers but also reshaping their perception positively for improved conversion outcomes.

Remarkable Results of the Improved Lead Gen Campaign

Through strategic optimizations, we achieved a substantial reduction in Cost Per Lead, demonstrating our commitment to efficient resource utilization. Concurrently, our efforts resulted in a significant enhancement of lead quality and buying intent, attesting to the effectiveness of our targeted campaigns. The impressive return on investment stands as a testament to our ability to not only streamline costs but also to deliver tangible value by attracting high-quality leads with a genuine interest in our offerings.


Demonstrates our ability to navigate complex challenges.
Success attributed to strategic planning, meticulous execution, and unwavering commitment to excellence.
The case study stands as a testament to our team's expertise and professionalism in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

First Awareness Campaign

We successfully achieved our target and maintained a very high engagement rate with minimum amount of Ad spend. As a new product this not only hyped up the market but drew a lot of traffic onto the client's web funnel we made.

First Lead Generation

Our lead generation campaign produced an extraordinary number of leads, but because of a weak landing page and a pre-existing negative perception of the product, we faced the challenge of converting these cold leads into customers.

Second Lead Generation

We ran a second campaign with this new strategy of making a separate web-funnel for traffic and generated high quality leads this time. Not only we reduced the Cost Per Lead but also increased the quality and buying intent of the leads resulting in a better ROI.


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